SPM: SPM chooses the auditing company in 2012
S.P.M Corporation (stock code: SPM) chose Auditing And Consulting Company Limited (A&C) to audit SPM’s financial statements in year 2012.
> PSP: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (17/08/2012)
> BXD: Board Resolution (17/08/2012)
> FPT: CEO takes leave until Sep 30 (17/08/2012)
> SAF: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (17/08/2012)
> DCS: Change in BOD and Chief Accountant (17/08/2012)
> VinaGlobal: VinaGlobal discloses liquidity ratio for the first 6 months and reports corporate governance for the first 6 months (17/08/2012)
> FSC: FSC reports corporate governance for the first 6 months (17/08/2012)
> VTI: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (16/08/2012)
> BTG: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (16/08/2012)
> VCT: Notice of Sale stock of Vinaconex 18 (16/08/2012)