- Plan of stock private placement for increasing the charter capital:
1.1. Increase of charter capital
- Old charter capital : VND300,000,000,000
- New charter capital : VND355,000,000,000
1.2. Plan of stock private placement
- Name of the issuer: Fortunes Securities Corporation
- Stock code: PHS
- Stock type: Common stock.
- Par value: VND10,000.
- Total volume of shares to be offered: 5,500,000
- Total value of shares to be offered: VND 55,000,000,000
- Offering price: No less than market price at the time of placement or book value at the latest moment.
- Offering method : private placement (with less than 100 investors).
- Subject of the placement: Strategic shareholder
+ Investors who are involved in business and production activities of the company;
+ Securities companies, investment funds, financial institutions;
+ Investors with financial, management and technological capacity who are willing to support and cooperate with the Company;
- Transfer restriction: The offering shares will be in transfer restriction within 01 year since the end day of private placement.
- In case of unsold shares, the company will exercise the increase following the paid in capital
1.3. Plan of use of proceeds
- Additional immobile capital for plan of operation
- Addition capital for margin trading of investors
- Improve financial capacity
1.4. Registration for additional shares and additional listed shares
- Record date for a ballot 31/07/2012