PPG: Change in Chief Accountant
Phu Phong Corporation announces change in chief Accountant as follows:
- Mr. Nguyen Cao Hai has been appointed Chief Accountant with effect since 01/07/2012
> DLG: Explanation for late disclosure (30/07/2012)
> PPG: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (30/07/2012)
> PSC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (30/07/2012)
> SAP: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (30/07/2012)
> SCJ: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (30/07/2012)
> PTC: PTC warned in the entire stock market (30/07/2012)
> IVS: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (30/07/2012)
> NIS: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (30/07/2012)
> VDL: Board Resolution (27/07/2012)
> XMC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 (27/07/2012)