EVN dissolves hydroelectric affiliates
Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN) has finalised the dissolution of Dong Nai Hydro-power Joint Stock Co and is considering the dissolution plan for five remaining affiliates, the company says.

The five units are Ban Ve, Thu Bon, An Khe-Ka Nak, Se San 4 and Srepok hydroelectric companies.
EVN did not announce the reason for dissolving six companies at the moment, an official from EVN told the Viet Nam News yesterday.
EVN had also submitted its development strategy till 2020, restructuring plan for 2011-15 and business and production and development investment plan for 2011-15 to the Prime Minister and Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) for consideration .
The company said in its business report for the first six months of this year that after a one-year pilot operation the competitive electricity market had officially been operational since July 1, making the initial transition to a market operation mechanism.
Up to 29 power plants under 22 power generation companies with a total capacity of 9,035MW were expected to be involved in the competitive electricity market.
In the first half of this year, EVN's electricity production and purchase was estimated at 56.475 billion kWh, up 11 per cent year-on-year. Of the total, EVN produced 24.777 billion kWh, making up 43.9 per cent.
During the period, it had also started operation on four turbines with a total capacity of 746.5MW, including the first and the second turbines of Dong Nai 4 hydropower plant (340MW), the first turbine of Kanak hydropower plant (6.5MW) and the fifth turbine of Son La hydropower plant (400MW).
EVN said that in July it would generate electricity for the second turbine of the Kanak hydropower plant in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai and start a reservoir for Ban Chat hydropower plant in the mountainous province of Lai Chau.