Saturday, 16/06/2012 10:36

SHI: Explanation for business result in Q1.2012

Son Ha International Corporation has explained business result in Q1.2012 as follows:

1. Business result in Q1.2012:

-         Sales: In Quarter 1.2012, Revenue increased 42% compared to the same period of last year because the company implemented the increase selling prices to household goods, industrial output increased highly. However, change of sales policy swing of growth revenue.

-         Cost of goods sold increased 54% compared to the same period of last year because inflation, prices of goods increased.

-         Financial income decreased 59% because exchange rate gain decreased 88% compared to the same period of 2011.

-         Financial expense decreased 23% or VND6.5 billion compared to the same period of last year:

-         First: Exchange rate loss decreased VND4.7 billion or 75%

-         Second: in Quarter 1.2012 the company has been refund provision for short-term investment by VND5.6 billion (in 1.2011: VND5.8 billion)

-         Third: debit balance increased 27% compared to the same period of last year,  loans interest in short-term and long –term increased about 7% to made interest expense increased 47% or VND7.6 billion compared to the same period of last year.

-         General & administrative expense decreased 31% compared to the same period of last year because publicity expense decreased VND1.5 billion, LC clearing fee  decreased VND1 billion

-         Other incomes, other expenses decreased 99% compared to the same period of last year because mainly in Quarter 1.2011 the company implemented real estate transfer trading with income VND9.5 billion, the remaining value VND8.9 billion

-         Profit before tax decreased 74% compared to the same period of last year.

2. Fluctuation in the cash flow statement:

-         Cash inflow from business activities decreased 63% because cash inflow from goods in sotck

-         Cash inflow from investment activities decreased 69% mainly the company invested to real estate projects.

-         Cash inflow from financial activities decreased 71% compard to the same period of last year because debit balance increased.


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