PSI: Result of transaction of connected person (Mr. Nhan)
- Name of issuer : PetroVietnam Securities Incorporated- Stock code: PSI- Securities type: Common stock - Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: Nguyen Van Nha
- Number of shares held by connected person before transaction: 39,425 shares- Name of PDMR/Director in the listed company: Nguyen Van Nhiem- Position in the listed company: Chief of Supervisory Board- Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: full brother- Number of shares held by person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: 92,600 shares- Number of shares registered for sale: 39,400 shares- Number of shares disposed: 35,000 shares- Total holding following transaction: 4,425 shares- Total percentage holding following transaction: 0,01% - Reason for not completing transaction: orders were not matched- Start date of transaction: 30/03/2012- End date of transaction: 23/05/2012
> KSD: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Bien) (16/06/2012)
> L18: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Giang) (16/06/2012)
> PPS: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Binh) (16/06/2012)
> INC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. An) (16/06/2012)
> L18: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Giang) (16/06/2012)
> BHS: Trading result of inside shareholder (16/06/2012)
> DHC: Trading result of major shareholder (16/06/2012)
> CII: Trading result of inside shareholder (16/06/2012)
> DXG: Trading result of inside shareholder (16/06/2012)
> KDC: Trading result of affiliated person (16/06/2012)