TLG: Resolution of the BOD
THIEN LONG GROUP CORPORATION announced the resolution of the Board of Directors as follows:
- Article 1: The Board of Directors approved to choose Ernst & Young Viet Nam auditing firm for 2012. - Article 2: This resolution takes effect from May 23, 2012
- Article 1: The Board of Directors approved to choose Ernst & Young Viet Nam auditing firm for 2012.
- Article 2: This resolution takes effect from May 23, 2012
> NTP: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (holding company) (25/05/2012)
> MNC: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (consolidated) (25/05/2012)
> NPS: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (25/05/2012)
> HASC: Audited Financial Statement for FY2011 (25/05/2012)
> MKV: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (25/05/2012)
> NVC: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (consolidated) (25/05/2012)
> SCJ: Explanation for difference in financial statement Year 2011 before and after auditing (25/05/2012)
> THB: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (25/05/2012)
> CAN: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (25/05/2012)
> CSC: 2012.Quarter I_ Financial Statement (consolidated) (25/05/2012)