List of another stock ineligible for margin trading
On December 20, 2011, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.10142011/TB-SGDHCM declaring the list of another stocks ineligible for margin trading:
No. Stock code Company name Reason ITD Innovative Technology Development Corporation The listing time is not enough six months. BRC BenThanh Rubber Joint Stock Company The listing time is not enough six months.
Stock code
Company name
Innovative Technology Development Corporation
The listing time is not enough six months.
BenThanh Rubber Joint Stock Company
> HOSE: Announcement of Lunar New Year holidays (17/05/2012)
> List of the listed companies which have not submitted Q4.2011 Management Report (17/05/2012)
> HOSE: Additional list of stock ineligible for margin trading (17/05/2012)
> HOSE: List of more stock ineligible for margin trading (17/05/2012)
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