1. Report on operating result 2011
- Total revenue 2011 : VND 314,444,774,993
- Profit before tax 2011 : VND 81,655,752,044
- Tax : VND 14,765,050,953
- Profit after tax 2011 : VND 66,890,701,091
2. Profit distribution plan 2011
- Investment, development fund : VND 6,689,070,109
- Financial reserves fund : VND 1,481,649,507
- Bonus, welfare fund : VND 4,013,442,065
- Dividend payment 2011 : VND 18,000,000,000
+ 30% by cash : VND 9,000,000,000
+ Dividend payment by shares : VND 9,000,000,000
- Retained earnings : VND 49,447,344,886
3. Operating items 2012
- Total revenue : VND 314 bil
- Profit before tax : VND 45.5 bil
- Profit after tax : VND 34.2 bil
- Dividend payment ratio : 60% charter capital
4. Remuneration to the BOD, Supervisory Board, Secreatary: VND 360 mil
5. Selection of auditors for 2012
- ACA Group
- CPA Vietnam
- AVA Vietnam
6. Amendment of company’s charter
7. Acquisition of equipments in replacement of out of date equipment for 2012: VND 17,919,800,000
8. Change in Human resources
- Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hoa has resigned from member of Supervisory Board
- Mr. Pham Nhu Hoa has been assigned as member of Supervisory Board