HNX Notice: Admission in principle of additional listing of MEF
On 18/5/2012, HNX admitted in principle the additional listing of MEF:
> HNX Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of SJ1 (18/05/2012)
> HNX Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of PVE (17/05/2012)
> HNX Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of VC2 (17/05/2012)
> HNX: Admission in principle of listing of Viet Nam Power Investment and Development JSC (17/05/2012)
> HNX Notice: First trading day of additional VIR (17/05/2012)
> HNX Notice: First trading day of additional VIR (15/05/2012)
> FECON JSC: HOSE receives the listing registration documents (15/05/2012)
> VCB: Decision on additional listing (15/05/2012)
> HNX: Admission in principle of listing of Viet Nam Power Investment and Development JSC (12/05/2012)