BT6: Violation of information disclosure of major shareholder
The following is the violation of information disclosure requirement of major shareholder:
- AmFraser Securities Pte. Ltd – is a major shareholder of Beton 6 Corporation Sold 2,581,395 BT6 shares on May 17, 2012 but had not had any announcements before trading.
> CNG: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder (28/05/2012)
> CTG: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder (28/05/2012)
> PAC: Trading results of treasury stock (28/05/2012)
> MCC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Co) (28/05/2012)
> QCC: Notice of transaction of principal shareholder (ABC International Corp.) (28/05/2012)
> PPG: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Hoa) (28/05/2012)
> DRC: Trading result and transaction of inside shareholder (28/05/2012)
> DTL: Change in the ownership ratio of a major shareholder (28/05/2012)
> HSG: Trading result of major shareholder (28/05/2012)
> SVC: Change in the ownership ratio of a major shareholder (28/05/2012)