BHC: Explanation for difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing
Bien Hoa Concrete JSC explained difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing as follows:
> NSN: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 postponed (08/05/2012)
> D11: Results of General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (08/05/2012)
> HTC: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (08/05/2012)
> GBS: Explanation for change of over 10 percent in operating result Quarter I/2012 (08/05/2012)
> OCH: Explanation for difference in financial statement Year 2011 before and after auditing (holding company) (08/05/2012)
> C92: Report on use of proceeds (08/05/2012)
> LCG: Explanation for business result in Q1/2012 (08/05/2012)
> HAX: Information on the 2012 annual general meeting (08/05/2012)
> DRH: Dream House Corp changes the meeting date of AGM 2012 (08/05/2012)
> PVD: Explanation for business result in Q1/2012 (08/05/2012)