APS: Explanation for difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing
Asia - Pacific Securities Joint Stock Company explained difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing as follows:
- Adjusted in revenue reserve up to VND 46,415,873,569
> WSS: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (09/05/2012)
> DCS: Explanation for difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing (09/05/2012)
> VAT: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (09/05/2012)
> BHV: Explanation for the change in operating result in QI- 2012 (09/05/2012)
> VSH: Explanation for the lateness of submitting 2012 AGM Resolution (09/05/2012)
> HRC: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2011 (09/05/2012)
> HAS delays AGM 2011 (09/05/2012)
> AGR delays AGM 2012 (09/05/2012)
> CTD: Meeting date & venue of AGM 2012 (09/05/2012)
> FBT: Resolution of the BOD (09/05/2012)