OGC: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2012
HOSE announces the the annual general meeting of shareholders 2012 of Ocean Group Joint Stock Company:
- Stock symbol: OGC
- Meeting date: Expected on April 24, 2012
- Contents:
+ Report on profit and loss in 2011 and business plan for 2012;
+ Reports of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors in 2011, 2012;
+ Plan for dividend and profit distribution in 2011;
+ Choosing an auditing firm for 2012;
+ Compensation for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board in 2011, 2012;
+ Other.
> NTB: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2012 (09/03/2012)
> DPM: The record date for the 2012 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (09/03/2012)
> DAG: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2012 (09/03/2012)
> D2D: Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 and the payment for 2011 (09/03/2012)
> MHC: Information on the 2012 annual shareholders’ meeting (09/03/2012)
> KSB: Resolution of the Board of Directors (09/03/2012)
> FDC: Information on the 2012 annual shareholders’ meeting (09/03/2012)
> CTG: Link to consolidated audited financial statements in 2011 (09/03/2012)
> CLW: Resolution of the 2012 annual shareholders’ meeting (09/03/2012)
> TRC: Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2012 (09/03/2012)