PXT: Violation of information disclosure of an affiliated person
Violation of information disclosure requirement of the insider trading in Petroleum Pipeline & Tank Construction Joint Stock Company as follows:
Mr. Nguyen Duc Anh (brother of Mr. Nguyen Huu Duc – a Member of the BOD and CEO) was late in reporting the trading result of PXT stock after registering to trade on August 08, 2011.
> SBA: Trading result and transaction of inside shareholder (19/01/2012)
> SPM: Transaction of major shareholder (19/01/2012)
> CMS: Result of transactions of share purchase rights of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Duong) (18/01/2012)
> SDE: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Quang) (18/01/2012)
> TAS: Notice of transaction of principal shareholder (Ms. Tue) (18/01/2012)
> TVD: Result of transaction of principal shareholder (PVF) (18/01/2012)
> TET: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Ms. Que) (18/01/2012)
> SIC: Result of transaction of connected person (Mr. Phuc) (18/01/2012)
> CTN: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Hoan) (19/01/2012)
> HPR: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr.Tien) (19/01/2012)