BGM: Trading result of affiliated person (Ms. Huong) (revised)
Bac Giang Exploitable Mineral Joint Stock Company has announced a trading result of affiliated person as follows:
• Stock symbol: BGM
• Investor: Ms. Duong Thi Lien Huong
• Owning volume before trading: 108,000 shares (0.64%)
• Volume registered to sell: 108,000 shares
• Sold: 0 share
• Owning volume after trading: 108,000 shares (0.64%)
• Reason of incomplete transaction: The price was not in the trader’s expectation
> NTL: Trading result and transaction of major shareholder (19/01/2012)
> SVC: Violation of information disclosure of a major shareholder (19/01/2012)
> IDV: Result of transaction of connected institution (VIDP Hanoi Sole Limited) (19/01/2012)
> VNI: Transaction of affiliated person (19/01/2012)
> MPC: Transaction of affiliated institution (19/01/2012)
> SSC: Trading result of major shareholder (19/01/2012)
> MHC: Trading result of inside shareholder (19/01/2012)
> MHC: Transaction of inside shareholder (19/01/2012)
> LM8: Trading result of inside shareholder (19/01/2012)
> JVC: Trading result of affiliated person (19/01/2012)