AGR: Report on using capital
In 2010, AgriBank Securities Joint Stock Coporation (HOSE: AGR) issued stock to the public in order to raise funds. AGR would like to report the progress of using the proceeds from the stock issuance:
- AGR has invested according to plans in AGR’s prospectus
- Investing in infrastructure, technology, human resource
- Developing safe profitable businesses.
> DHC: Resolution of the BOD (21/12/2011)
> SHC: Extraordinary General Mandate (30/11/2011)
> ANRESCO: Notice of canceling auction (22/11/2011)
> CTG to issue new shares for boosting capital (21/11/2011)
> SBS: Charter capital increases (09/11/2011)
> BCI: Report on using the capital from a share issue (10/10/2011)
> VCB ratings unaffected: S&P (01/10/2011)
> Mizuho to buy 15 pct of VCB for $567 mln (01/10/2011)
> ABBank allowed to increase charter capital (29/09/2011)
> VCB says Mizuho to buy 15% stake for $570 million (27/09/2011)