TIX: Personnel change
Tan Binh Import – Export JSC (HOSE: TIX) has announced a personnel change as follows:
Mr. Nguyen Thi Hao, Deputy Finance –Accountant Dept. as replacement of the Chief Accountant jobs as October 01, 2011.
> PSI: Branches’ Personnel changes (05/10/2011)
> VCBS: Personnel changes (05/10/2011)
> CMX: Change of Chief Accountant (05/10/2011)
> KST: Chief Accountant Change (05/10/2011)
> DAG: Change of Deputy CEO (05/10/2011)
> PDR: Personnel Change (05/10/2011)
> TIX: Resignation of Chief Accountant (05/10/2011)
> ST8: Personnel change (05/10/2011)
> IDI: Resignation of Deputy CEO (05/10/2011)
> PDR: Resignation of Deputy CEO (05/10/2011)