DCL: Decision on trading halt
On October 27, 2011, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) had Decision No.161/2011/QD-SGDHCM on the pause in trading of stock of Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE: DCL) as from October 31, 2011:
Reason: The Company violated the item 1.2, provision 20 of the regulation of listing securities on the HOSE issued with Decision No.168/QĐ-SGDHCM dated December 07, 2007.
> DCL: Announcement of trading halt (31/10/2011)
> MSN says considering listing shares abroad (28/10/2011)
> HOSE: Approved in principle to list stock (28/10/2011)
> HOSE: Withdraws the listing registration documents (28/10/2011)
> HAX: Listing & trading additional shares (28/10/2011)
> HAX: Decision on additional listing (28/10/2011)
> PC3, HP.Co approved in principle to list stock (28/10/2011)
> Admission in principle of additional listing of SNG (05/11/2011)
> TV1: Decision on additional listing (25/10/2011)