OPC: Resolution of the BOD
OPC Pharmaceutical JSC (HOSE: OPC) has informed of the resolution of the BOD as follows:
• Article 1: Approving the additional listing of 7,143,829 bonus shares (87.23% total number of shares with voting rights)
• Article 2: Assigning related the BOD to implement the resolution
• Article 3: The resolution is valid as from September 13, 2011.
> TDN: First trading day of additional listed shares (22/09/2011)
> S96: First trading day of additional listed shares (22/09/2011)
> Official Admission of additional listing of S96 (21/09/2011)
> Admission in principle of additional listing of HBB (21/09/2011)
> CDC: Listing & trading additional shares (21/09/2011)
> LSS: Listing & trading additional shares (20/09/2011)
> CIENCO 60: Auction Result (22/09/2011)
> LSS: Decision on additional listing (21/09/2011)
> FBA International Group Corporation applies for listing (21/09/2011)
> First trading day of additional shares SDP (21/09/2011)