VDL: Time and place for annual general meeting of shareholders
Lamdong Foodstuffs Joint Stock Company (HNX: VDL) annouces Time and place for annual general meeting of shareholders as follows:
- Name of the company: Lamdong Foodstuffs Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: VDL
- Reason: Annual general meeting of shareholders
- Exercise time: 8h, 28/04/2011
- Place: Resort Hoang Anh Da Lat, 03 Nguyen Du, TP Da Lat.
- Agenda:
+ Report on the operating result of 2010, plan 2011
+ Audited financial reports 2010
+ Report Supervisory Board
+ Dividend payment and profit distribution 2010
+ Profit distribution and fund setting up funds plan 2011
+ Investment plan 2011
+ Selecting the auditing company for 2011
+ Other issues
- For more details, visit website: http://www.dalatwine.com.vn
- Eligible participants: Shaheholders on the list recorded on 01/04/2011.