More FDI needs to spur in special and specific economic zone
To achieve the goal of special and specific economic development zone is a necessary to mobilise more foreign direct investment (FDI), said Minister of Planning and Investment, Mr. Sinlavong Khoutphaithoune.
The investment in special and specific economic zone in Laos have already been injected by about 12 % of Government, 25% of ODA and 25% loan, but there is insufficient so we need to spur more foreign direct investment, he continued. The Party's policy on special and specific economic zone is very importance for spurring the economic development and boosting domestic and foreign investments.
Seeing as a significant one, the Secretariat to the National Committee for Special and Specific Economic Development Zone (S-NCSEZ) held a seminar on improving the technical term and capacity on management and administration on special and specific economic zones for officials from seven provinces, at the Prime Minister's Office, on 28-31 March.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Minister of Planning and Investment, Mr. Sinlavong Khoutphaithoune said that we have to accomplish the four breakthroughs approaches of the 7th five years of socio-economic development plan approving at the 9th Party Congress as the President saying that we have to overcome the four breakthroughs approaches of imagination breakthrough by unlocking and addressing the characteristics of dogmatism, conservatism, irresponsibility, left extremes and right extremes. Second one breakthrough in human resources development, particularly the upgrading and nurturing of knowledge and competence of officials in all aspects to meet the growing development requirements. Third one breakthrough in improving management and governance regulations and systems in order to address obstacles which still hinder business and service operations and breakthrough in poverty eradication by mobilizing all possible financial sources associated with devising special incentive policy, and develop socio-economic infrastructure to push development in other areas.
The participants will learn some laws, state policy on socio-economic development in the Lao PDR, a report on development conditions of special economic zone, draft strategy on development of special economic zone till to 2020 and some achieved lessons on development for globally special economic zone.
The Country Director, Lao PDR Resident Mission, Mr. Chong Chi Nai said that successful development of the zone is challenging task for government agencies concerned, in particular the N-SEZ Secretariat, to succeed, they need hard work and smart management. Firstly full political support from the top is needed, which is clearly there. Secondly the right legal and regulatory environment needs to be in place. The decree on special economic zones was approved by the government. The draft strategy is being discussed today.
Thirdly, the N-SEZ secretariat needs to be strong with well trained staff. The principal role of the secretariat is one of the coordination and trouble shooting. This is because in any specific SEZ, there is a multitude of agencies and different levels of government involved, each with their own mandate, he advised.
Their interests need to be aligned, and the secretariat needs to ensure that this happens. That is the very practical job that requires good technical and negotiating skills, and capable staff to handle conflict situation. We are very happy to have supported the establishment of the secretariat, and we are considering the possibility of further support to the secretariat, he went on.
KPL Lao News Agency