VOS: Violation of information disclosure of inside shareholder
The following is the violation of information disclosure requirement of an inside shareholder:
Mr. Bui Viet Hoai, Deputy Chairman of BOD cum CEO of Viet Nam Ocean Shipping Joint Stock Company (HoSE: VOS), bought 2,500 VOS shares on November 09, 2010 without announcement.
> BMI: Trading result of affiliated institution (20/11/2010)
> COM: Ms. Vu Bich Ngoc bought 1,120 shares (20/11/2010)
> COM: Member of the BOD bought 1,770 shares (19/11/2010)
> DHC: Member of BOD registered to sell 40,000 shares (19/11/2010)
> DMC: VCHF bought and sold 326,590 shares (19/11/2010)
> DMC: VCHF registered to buy and sell 400,000 shares (19/11/2010)
> FMC: Mr. Quach Hoang Phong registered to buy 755,190 shares (19/11/2010)
> HBC: Transaction of inside shareholder (19/11/2010)
> HLG: Trading result of inside shareholder (19/11/2010)
> HPG: Chairman of BOD bought 120,000 shares (19/11/2010)