HSI: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder
Violation of information disclosure requirement of the insider trading in General Materials Biochemistry Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (HOSE: HSI) as follows:
Mr. Do Van Ngoc – a Member of the BOD and CEO was late in reporting the trading result of HSI stock after registering to trade on October 19, 2010.
> CTI: Violation of information disclosure of an inside shareholder (25/11/2010)
> DPM: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2010 (25/11/2010)
> LGL: Explanation for the business fluctuation in Q3/2010 (25/11/2010)
> MHBS: Setting up a trading office (25/11/2010)
> DAG: Sets Up a Subsidiary (24/11/2010)
> TDW: Explanation for business results in quarter 3/2010 (24/11/2010)
> PNJ: The BOD’s resolution (24/11/2010)
> VOS: VOSCO Sets Up a Subsidiary (24/11/2010)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 11 Nov 2010 to 18 Nov 2010 (23/11/2010)
> ATA: Explanation for business results in quarter 3/2010 (23/11/2010)