TMS: Trading result and transaction of inside shareholder
Transforwarding Warehousing Joint Stock Corporation has disclosed a trading result and transaction of inside shareholders as follows:
- Stock symbol: TMS
- Trader: Mr. Bui Tuan Ngoc – Chairman of the BOD
- Owning volume before trading: 1,262,007 shares
- Volume registered to buy: 50,000 shares
- Bought volume: 10,490 shares
- Owning volume after trading: 1,272,497 shares
- Trading period: September 07, 2010
- Reason of incomplete transaction: The price was not in the trader’s expectation
- Registered volume continues buying: 120,000 shares.
- Registered volume continues selling: 100,000 shares
- Owning volume after trading: 1,292,497 shares
- Trading method: Order matching or put through
- Expected trading period: From September 13, 2010 to December 31, 2010.