RAL: Explanation for business result in Quarter 2/2010
Rangdong Light Source and Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company (HoSE: RAL) explained the difference in business result between Quarter 2/2010 and Quarter 2/2009:
Quarter II/2009 |
Quarter II/2010 |
Difference |
Ratio |
1 |
Net revenue |
225,592,780,582 |
269,097,668,152 |
43,504,87,570 |
19.28% |
2 |
Cost of goods sold |
175,082,434,873 |
212,875,706,883 |
37,793,272,010 |
21.58% |
3 |
Profit after tax |
6,986,514,667 |
3,304,013,631 |
-3,682,501,036 |
-52.7% |
- Profit after tax of the Company in Quarter 2/2010 decreased because of the following reasons:
+ In Quarter 2/2010, electricity supply situation was not stable, affected the production assembly and increase the production cost.
+ The exchange rate of VND/USD fluctuated sharply. This made the input cost increase.