PVD: Transaction of affiliated institution
Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Joint Stock Company has disclosed trading result of an institution affiliated with an inside shareholder as follows:
* Stock symbol: PVD
* Trader: Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam
* Position at the listed firm: found shareholder and representative of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
* Affiliated person: Dinh Thi Thai & Phung Nguyen Hai Yen
* Position of affiliated at the listed firm:
+ Dinh Thi Thai – a Member of the Board of Directors
+ Phung Nguyen Hai Yen – a Member of Supervisory Board
* Owning volume before trading: 6,400,000 shares
* Registered volume to sell: 2,020,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 4,380,000 shares (25.03%)
* Purpose: To retructure investment protflios
* Trading method: Order matching or put through
* Expected trading period: From April 04, 2010 to August 04, 2010.