ITC: Transaction of state shareholder
Announcement of transaction of a state shareholder of Investment and Trading of Real Estate Joint stock Company Saigon Real Estate Corporation:
* Trader: Saigon Real Estate Corporation - State Capital Representative
* Representative person: Nguyen Van Khoi
* Position in the listed firm: BOD Chairman
* Stock in the transaction: ITC
* Number of shares before rights implementation: 3,719,531shares (16%)
* Number of rights issue to transfer: 3,719,531 rights (Equivalent to 3,719,531 issue shares)
* Number of rights registered to sell: 3,719,531 rights (Equivalent to 3,719,531 issue shares)
* Owning volume before trading: 3,719,531 shares (Not included 3,719,531 bonus shares)
* Trading method: Put-through
* Expected trading period: From June 03, 2010 to June 09, 2010.