SJS: SUDICO to buy back 1 million shares
Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (SUDICO) will repurchase its shares:
* Number of treasury shares at present: 0 shares
* Number of shares registered to buy: 1,000,000 shares
* Purpose: to increase the number of treasury shares.
* Trading method: Order-matching
* Trading period: From June 03, 2010 to September 03, 2010.
> SBA: Announcement of the first trading date (27/05/2010)
> NVN: Record date for vote on bond issue & dividend (27/05/2010)
> SVC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (27/05/2010)
> SAIGONNIC: Notice of Auction (27/05/2010)
> SFC: Notice of Auction (27/05/2010)
> S74: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Tai) (27/05/2010)
> S74: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Lam) (27/05/2010)
> AGD: Revenue & Profit in Quarter 01/2010 (27/05/2010)
> HOSE receives VTRECJ’s listing registration documents (27/05/2010)
> SJS: BOD Resolution on share buyback (27/05/2010)