TRI: Be reminded of announcing information
On 2nd March 2009, HOSE sent an official document to Sai Gon Beverages Joint Stock Company (TRIBECO) in order to remind and require it to announce the financial statement timely and accurately as stipulated.
* The company did not fully display situation of financial investment in the financial statements for 2007 and 2008.
* Business result in Q4/2008 was negative while they were profitable in the previous quarters.
* Business result for 2008 lost VND146 billion. The amount exceeded owners’ equity of the company at the time of 31/12/2008.
> BPC: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> VPK: The record date for dividend payment & annual meeting (05/03/2009)
> PJT: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> ICF: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> SSC: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> VTB: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> FMC: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> MCP: The record date for Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (05/03/2009)
> SC5: Transaction of inside shareholder (Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Yen) (05/03/2009)
> KSH: Transaction of inside shareholder (Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa) (05/03/2009)