MAFPF1: Trading Result (PVFC)
MANULIFE PROGRESSIVE FUND (MAFPF1) has announced the result of PVFC’s selling fund certificates:
* Stock symbol: MAFPF1
* Trader: PetroVietnam Finance Joint Stock Corporation (PVFC)
* The representative: Mr. Nguyen Xuan Son
* Position of the representative in the listed firm: Member of the Representative Board
* Owning volume before trading: 970,870 units (4.53%)
* Registered volume to sell: 485,435 units
* Sold volume: 0 units
* Owning volume after trading: 970,870 units (4.53%)
* Trading period: From Dec 18, 2008 to Feb 18, 2009
* The transaction was not completed due to the market price of the stock.