Wednesday, 04/02/2009 18:49

16/02/2009, record date for bond coupon payment QHB0810015

HaSTC notices the record date for bond coupon payment QHB0810015 as follows:

-          Issuer: Vietnam Development Bank

-          Bond type: government bond

-          Par value: VND 100,000

-          Bond code: QHB0810015

-          Term: 2 years

-          Issue date: 29/02/2008

-          Maturity date: 28/02/2010

-          Coupon rate paid: 7.70%/year

-          Record date: 16/02/2009

-          Ex-date: 16/02/2009

-          Exercise date: 28/02/2009

-          Official payment date: 02/03/2009

-          Reason and purpose: bond coupon payment for the year 2009

-         Exercise ratio: VND 7700 for 1 bond.


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