SGT: Transaction of affiliated person (Ms. Tran Thi Hoai Thu)
Saigon Telecommunication & Technologies Corporation (SAIGONTEL) announced transaction of a person affiliated with the CEO:
* Stock symbol: SGT
* Trader: Ms. Tran Thi Hoai Thu (wife of SAIGONTEL’s CEO Huynh Ngoc Huy Pho)
* Current owning volume: 11,000 shares (0.019% charter capital)
* Volume registered to buy: 39,000 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 50,000 shares (0.085% charter capital)
* Trading method: order matching and put through
* Trading period: from December 23, 2008 to January 23, 2009
> TMC: Business result in November 2008 (22/12/2008)
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> SCD: Trading Result (Bao Tin Assurance Corporation) (22/12/2008)
> SHC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (TRANSIMEX – SAIGON) (22/12/2008)
> SJ1: Transaction of affiliated person (Ms. Hoang Thi Ngoc Huyen) (22/12/2008)
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> BVS: Notice of bonus share issue (22/12/2008)
> CDC: Board resolution (22/12/2008)
> TSC: Trading Result (22/12/2008)