PPC: HOSE sent a warning document
On November 25th 2008, HOSE official sent a warning document to Pha Lai Thermal Joint-stock Company about its late announcement to investors as follows:
At the time of doing the financial statement Q3/2008, the company could inform investors about financial expenses with re-identifying the exchange rate of VND584,2 billion. However, it has not announced the information to investors (the company reported its profit after tax which reached more than VND793 billion without giving any explanation). This has seriously affected decision-making of investors.
> VKP: Dividend Payment in Cash (Tranche 1-2008) (27/11/2008)
> DHA: Dividend payment in cash (27/11/2008)
> TRI: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (CGML) (27/11/2008)
> SBT: change of company logo (27/11/2008)
> 30 percent of oil refinery stocks to be sold abroad (27/11/2008)
> THT: Financial statement in brief Q.III/2008 (27/11/2008)
> HASTC Notice: First trading day of DHT (26/11/2008)
> Vietnam Securities Depository: Notice of Securities Depository of BST (26/11/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of listing of Central Electricity Investment and Development JSC (26/11/2008)
> HASTC Notice: First trading day of additional RCL (26/11/2008)