YSC_Financial statement in brief QIII 2008
The Financial Statement QII.2008 of Yenson JSC:
Attached files
> PVI: Result of transactions of institution with representative being Director-PDMR (17/10/2008)
> VC3: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (17/10/2008)
> VSP: Results of transactions of principal shareholder (17/10/2008)
> VTS: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Phuong) (17/10/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of DCS (17/10/2008)
> HASTC Notice: First trading day of additional PLC (17/10/2008)
> Intermediary financial institutions strive for market stabilisation (17/10/2008)
> VN-Index dives amid global market downturn (17/10/2008)
> BASACO approved to list stock (17/10/2008)
> STB: Sacombank cancels the plan of issuing stock (17/10/2008)