VTO: Trading result (Nguyen Van Hoc)
Vietnam Tanker Joint Stock Company has announced the trading result as follows:
* Stock symbol: VTO
* Trader: Mr. Nguyen Van Hoc
* Position in the listed firm: Member of the Board of Directors
* Owning volume before trading: 53,590 shares
* Sold volume: 7,110 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 46,480 shares
* Trading period: from 09/12/2008 to 09/30/2008
> LGC: Trading result (CII) (09/10/2008)
> SMC: Dividend Payment in Cash (Stage 2-2008) (09/10/2008)
> DCC: Dividend Payment in Cash (Stage 1-08) (09/10/2008)
> NTL: Trading result (Ms. Hang) (09/10/2008)
> DMC: Trading result (Nguyen Van Hoa) (09/10/2008)
> ST8: Dividend Payment in Cash (Stage 1-08) (09/10/2008)
> HT2 : HOSE received the first listing registration document (09/10/2008)
> VN-Index slumps as global woes scare investors (09/10/2008)
> Government may buy stocks, halt market to stem plunge (09/10/2008)
> Gov’t investment arm to sell more shares (09/10/2008)