VKP: Trading Result
VIKY Plastic Joint Stock Company has informed of the trading result of a person affiliated with the Deputy Chairman as follows:
* Stock symbol: VKP
* Trader: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang (daughter of Mr. Nguyen Cao Huy An – Deputy Chairman of the BOD)
* Owning volume before trading: 51,345 shares (0.64%)
* Volume registered to sell: 39,000 shares
* Sold volume: 0 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 51,345 shares (0.64%)
* Trading period: from 06/19/2008 to 09/30/2008.
Reason: There were no shares matched during the trading sessions.
> TCM: New Stock Issuance (03/10/2008)
> PVC: Time adjustment of sale of State-owned Equity (03/10/2008)
> VSP: Board resolution (03/10/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Official Admission of listing of TBX (03/10/2008)
> SDN: Listing and trading the additional shares (03/10/2008)
> TPC: Listing and trading the additional shares (03/10/2008)
> CAD: Approval for Initial Listing (03/10/2008)
> Vietnam shares up as US passes revised rescue plan (03/10/2008)
> Saigon Securities starts 30-firm index (03/10/2008)
> Endorsement of US rescue plan restores calm on Vietnam market (03/10/2008)