SDJ: Notice of record date for a ballot
- Name of the issuer: Song Da No.25 JSC
- Stock code: SDJ
- Par value: VND 10,000
- Stock type: common stock
- Record date: 28/10/2008
- Ex-date:
+ For T+3 transactions: 24/10/2008
+ For T+2 transactions: 27/10/2008
(Note: For T+1 transactions, buyers still enjoy the rights for transactions on 24/10/2008, 27/10/2008)
- Reasons: for a ballot on
+ Adding the content of the objects of the offerring of 1,323,200 shares in the issuing plan approved by the General meeting of shareholders in 2008;
+ Approving the plan of using the proceed of VND 31,616,000,000 that was approved in 2008 Resolution of general meeting of shareholders
- Exercise rate: 01 share – 01 vote
- Exercise date: 8/11/2008
- Place: Head office of Song Da No.25 JSC
Vietnam Securities Depository suspends the depository of SDJ on 27/10, 28/10, and 29/10/2008