HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of listing of Song Da No.8 JSC
On 27/10/2008, HASTC admitted in principle the listing of Song Da No.8 JSC :
* Name of issuer: Song Da No.8 JSC
* Securities type: common stock
* Par value: VND 10,000
* Total volume to be listed: 2,800,000 shares
* Total par value to be listed: VND 28,000,000,000
> S12: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (27/10/2008)
> SD2: Notice of transactions of connected persons (27/10/2008)
> SD5: Notice of record date for a ballot (27/10/2008)
> SJM: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (27/10/2008)
> Don’t panic because of foreigners’ net sales! (27/10/2008)
> HASTC Notice: First trading day of DC4 (27/10/2008)
> NTP: Board Resolution (27/10/2008)
> HAI_Financial Statement in brief QIII-2008 (28/10/2008)
> HUT: Financial Statement in brief - QIII/2008 (28/10/2008)
> L43: Financial Statement in brief - QIII/2008 (28/10/2008)