HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of listing of Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC
On 13/10/2008, HASTC admitted in principle the listing of Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC:
* Name of issuer: Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC
* Securities type: common stock
* Par value: VND 10,000
* Total volume to be listed: 1,100,000 shares
* Total par value to be listed: VND 11,000,000,000
> Securities companies want CIT tax incentives (13/10/2008)
> PAC: Insider Trading (Hoang Thi Ngan) (13/10/2008)
> PPC: Result of buying back stock (13/10/2008)
> SSI: Change of treasury stock volume (13/10/2008)
> GMC: Resolution of BOD (13/10/2008)
> PTIC: Approval in principle of listing stock (13/10/2008)
> SZL - Buy shares back for treasury stock (13/10/2008)
> HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of additional listing of ONE (13/10/2008)
> SSC: Bourses will not close their doors (13/10/2008)
> MCV: Trading result (13/10/2008)