15/10/2008, record date for bond coupon payment HN051002
- Issuer: Hanoi State Treasury
- Bond type: municipal bond issued by method of underwriting
- Par value: VND 100,000
- Bond code: HN051002
- Term: 5 years
- Issue date: 01/11/2005
- Maturity date: 01/11/2010
- Coupon rate paid: 9.10%/year
- Record date: 15/10/2008
- Ex-date: 15/10/2008
- Exercise date: 01/11/2008
- Official payment date: 03/11/2008
- Reason and purpose: bond coupon payment for the year 2008
- Exercise ratio: VND 9100 for 1 bond.
> 14/10/2008, record date for bond coupon payment CPD071236 (06/10/2008)
> CP1A0303: Notice of delisting government bond (06/10/2008)
> CP1_0403: Notice of delisting government bond (06/10/2008)
> Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (06/10/2008)
> US asset bailout a short-term shot in the arm for Vietnam market (06/10/2008)
> Careful eyes to insure banking system’s health (06/10/2008)
> Public debt management draft law draws controversy (06/10/2008)
> Local monetary market stable: central bank (06/10/2008)
> Vietnam’s benchmark bonds decline (04/10/2008)
> Real estate loans in Vietnam “safe”: expert (04/10/2008)