TTP: Trading result of major shareholder
The following is the trading result of a major shareholder of Tan Tien Plastic Packaging Joint Stock Company:
* Stock symbol: TTP
* Trader: Citigroup Global Market Financial Products LTD
* Owning volume before trading: 839,470 shares (5.60 %)
* Bought volume: 140,160 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 979,630 shares (6.53 %)
* Trading time: August 28, 2008
> VIP: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> BMP: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> DHG: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> FMC: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> ICF: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> SGT: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> TDH: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> SGH: Trading result of major shareholder (11/09/2008)
> ST8: Trading result (Pham Hong Thuy) (11/09/2008)
> Ethanol-blended petrol to be on sale in Hanoi (11/09/2008)