SVC: Notice of share repurchase for Treasury stock
1. Name of issuer: Saigon General Service Corporation
2. Stock code : SVC
3. Securities type: Common stock
4. Number of shares to be repurchased: 1.952 shares
5. Purpose: Repurchase shares from the former employees for Treasury stock
6. Resource for repurchase: paid-in capital from seasoned issue / retained earnings
7. Tender price: issuing price plus with lending interest applied for the company in the “selected worker program” regulated by Ho Chi Minh city branch HSBC bank
8. Resource: 2007 retaining profit
9. Trading method: negotiation
10. Time for share repurchase: from 29/09/2008 to 29/10/2008
> VCS: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (22/09/2008)
> SRA: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (22/09/2008)
> S55: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (22/09/2008)
> SVC: Notice of Treasury stock buy (22/09/2008)
> ABS: Setting up a branch (22/09/2008)
> AGRISECO: Sets up order-receiving agency (22/09/2008)
> Kim Eng Viet Nam Securities JSC opens a new branch in Ha Noi city (22/09/2008)
> ACB Securities Company Ltd opens a new order-receiving agency in Can Tho city (22/09/2008)
> TDH: Trading result of an affiliated person (22/09/2008)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 11 Sep 2008 to 18 Sep 2008 (22/09/2008)