SGH: Trading Result of Major Shareholder
The following is the trading result of major shareholders of Saigon Hotel Corporation:
* Stock symbol: SGH
* Trader: Citigroup Global Market LTD & Citigroup Global Market Financial Products LTD
* Owning volume before trading: 357,830 shares (20.26 %)
* Sold volume: 6,300 shares
* Owning volume after trading: 351,530 shares (19.90 %)
* Trading time: 09/15/2008
> TDH: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> TS4: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> PPC: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> SHC: Trading result (Ms Hong) (26/09/2008)
> CII: Trading Result of a Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> DTT: Trading result (Vo Ngoc Thanh) (26/09/2008)
> SJ1: Trading of institution (26/09/2008)
> NKD: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> LAF: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)
> TRI: Trading Result of Major Shareholder (26/09/2008)