HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of listing of Vinacomin Ha Tu Coal JSC
On 12/09/2008, HASTC admitted in principle the listing of Vinacomin Ha Tu Coal JSC :
* Name of issuer: Vinacomin Ha Tu Coal JSC
* Securities type: common stock
* Par value: VND 10,000
* Total volume to be listed: 9,100,000 shares
* Total par value to be listed: VND 91,000,000,000
> Vietnam Securities Depository: Notice of Securities Depository of CCM (12/09/2008)
> Central Electricity Investment and Development JSC applied for listing (12/09/2008)
> TKU: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Liu) (12/09/2008)
> VTS: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (12/09/2008)
> DST: Explanation for 10 consecutive session ceiling hitting (12/09/2008)
> VC7: Result of transaction of PDMR (12/09/2008)
> Incombank Securities Co. Ltd opened a new order-receiving agency (12/09/2008)
> FPT Securities JSC changed address of branch in Ho Chi Minh city (12/09/2008)
> Stock market saw another sharp decline at weekend session (12/09/2008)
> GASC: Relocation of branch (12/09/2008)