HASTC Notice: Admission in principle of additional listing of PVI
On 19/09/2008, HASTC admitted in principle the additional listing of PVI:
* Name of issuer: Petrovietnam Insurance
* Stock code: PVI
* Securities type: common stock
* Par value: VND 10,000
* Number of additional listed shares: 8,550,000 shares
* Total par value of additional listed shares: VND 85,500,000,000
> HASTC Notice: Official Admission of additional listing of SD3 (19/09/2008)
> Vietnam Securities Depository: Notice of Securities Depository of STL (19/09/2008)
> SFN: Dividend Payment in Cash (19/09/2008)
> Duyen Hai Food: Information of Auction Registration (19/09/2008)
> DAE: Notice of record date for Dividend Payment (19/09/2008)
> APEC: HOSE fines representative (19/09/2008)
> SMC: Insider trading (BOD Chairman) (19/09/2008)
> SHC: Insider trading (19/09/2008)
> ALP: Violation of information disclosure (19/09/2008)
> MPC: Trading result (Nguyen Tan Anh) (19/09/2008)