HDC: Project of residential area
Ba Ria - Vung Tau House Development Joint Stock Company (HODECO) has informed of the project of residential area with public services at Ward 12, Vung Tau city.
Total area of the project is 490,349 m2 , in which:
Area: 214,429.62 m2 (43.72%)
+For apartment block: 34,716.95 m2 – 1,200 apartments
+For houses: 51,702.16 m2 - 490 apartments
+For villas: 128,010.51 m2 – 433 apartments
+Area of restaurants (3-4 stars): 18,294.46m2 (3.73%)
+Area of public work: 49,714.06 m2 (10.14%)
+Area of planting trees: 25,643.29 m2 (5.23%)
+Area of traffic: 182,267.57 m2 (37.18%)
Total investment cost: VND999 billion
Period of implementation: 2007-2014