Germany helps train banking staff
Representatives of the State Bank of Vietnam, German Technical Co-operation's (GTZ) Macroeconomic Reform Program, and Capacity Building International, Germany (InWent) signed a Trilateral Co-operation Agreement to implement the Executive Training Programme for senior staff of the State Bank of Vietnam for the 2008 – 2009 period.
In fact, the Executive Training Programme has been implemented by SBV and GTZ since 2006. However, this is the first time the programme for 2008-2009 will be conducted using a Training of Trainers (ToT) model which is aimed at ensuring its sustainability for the State Bank of Vietnam.
The training programme comprises six modules focusing on macroeconomic management, monetary policy, financial markets, banking supervision, leadership and international integration of the banking and financial sectors.
Directors at SBV’s head office and its branches, teachers at the Banking Academy, the National Economics University and other institutions will be participating in the programme to be lectured by professors from universities in the USA and senior central bankers from Germany and Australia.
The program will select potential future trainers to develop their teaching skills and provide mentoring support and assist in the creation of materials so that they will be lecturers of the program after 2009.