TYA: Dividend payment in stock
TayYa Viet Nam has announced the record date for the list of shareholders as follows:
Listed firm: TAYA VIET NAM
Stock symbol: TYA
Stock type: Common stock
Par value: VND10,000
Ex-right date: July 4th, 2008
Record date: July 8th, 2008
Purpose of using the list of shareholders:
To pay dividend for the year 2007:
Apportion ratio: 1:1
Payout ratio: 5%/par value (20:1)
The one who owns 20 shares at the record date will receive 1 share as dividend. The volume will be rounded down. The fractional parts will be paid at VND10,000 per share.
For example: At the record date, shareholder Nguyen Van A currently owns 250 shares, the calculation as follows:
The number of shares distributed in theory: 250 shares × 7% = 12.5 shares
The number of shares in practical: 12 shares
The number of shares converted to cash: 0.5 * 10,000vnd = 5,000vnd.
Issue volume: 1,328,209 shares consisting of:
For shares which have been listed: 265,215 shares
For the shares which have not been listed yet: 1,062,994 shares
Estimated issue date: September 5th, 2008.
The shareholders who are currently restricted to transfer their shares can receive dividend in stock. The dividend in stock is transferable.
Place & procedure of payment:
Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: shareholders make procedures of dividend payment in stock at TAYA VIET NAM, 01, Street 1A, Bien Hoa II Industrial Park, Dong Nai Province.
To get shareholders’ ballots on listing the dividend shares:
Time for the ballot: from July 18th, 2008 to August 1st, 2008.
Vietnam Securities Depository _ HCMC Branch will temporarily suspend the depository activities for TYA on July 7th, 8th & 9th, 2008.