Tuesday, 08/09/2020 16:21

VTJ: Atlantic Ocean Invest Joint Stock Company is no longer major shareholder

  1. Information about the trading institution: Atlantic Ocean Invest Joint Stock Company
  2. Connected persons of trading organization (holding the same share/deposit certificate)
  • Full  name: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa
  • Current position at the public company (if any): None
  • Relationship with individual/organization: General Manager
  • Full  name: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thai
  • Current position at the public company (if any): None
  • Relationship with individual/organization: Chief Accountant
  1. Name of share/ deposit certificate/ code of securities: Vi Na Ta Ba Trading & Investment Joint-stock Company, code of securities: VTJ
  2. Transaction account showed at Item 3: Atlantic Ocean Invest Joint Stock Company
  3. Number of shareholdings, holding rate before the transaction: 1,710,000 shares, rate: 15%
  4. Number of shares/ deposit certificate purchased/sold/gave/hired/transferred/swapped (making holding rate change over 1%): 1,710,000 shares
  5. Number of shareholdings/ deposit certificate and holding rate after the transaction: 0 share, rate: 0%
  6. Date of transaction (or swap) causing change in shareholding and no longer being major shareholder/ investor holding from 5% of deposit certificate of the closed fund: 01/09/2020
  7. Number of shareholdings/ deposit certificate and holding rate by connected person: 1,055,000 shares, rate: 9.25%
  8. Number of shareholdings/ deposit certificate and holding rate along with connected person after the transaction: 1,055,000 shares, rate: 9.25%


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